Common South Carolina Foundation Problems

South Carolina is a beautiful state with a rich history and beautiful plantations and historic homes.Foundation Repair South Carolina Making sure there are no foundation problems with these historical homes are in good condition is important. Precipitation can be abundant throughout the year in South Carolina and the state is also prone to cyclones during the hurricane season which is June through November. The foundation of your home is the lowest part of the structure which is your home’s base.

Causes of foundation failure can be due to several things including:

  • Unequal settlement of the subsoil
  • Shrinkage
  • Tree roots
  • Improper grading
  • Improper drainage

The clay-rich soils of South Carolina also expand and contract when the moisture changes. When the soil becomes saturated, the soil expands and loses density. This causes your foundation to sink. When the water evaporates, it becomes hard and dense. When one portion of the soil becomes more saturated and another portion becomes less saturated, the evaporation process becomes uneven, causing your foundation to settle. Clay is the most common type of soil beneath foundations in South Carolina. 

Soils are unstable and cause foundation failure if they weren’t graded properly.

If your home also does not have proper drainage away from the foundation, this causes oversaturation of the soil making the soil unstable around your foundation.

Trees that grow close to your home can have roots that get under your foundation. These roots “drink” the water from the soil beneath the foundation causing uneven water saturation.

Some of the signs to also look for in foundation settlement are:

  • Cracks in walls or floors
  • Sinking outdoor concrete
  • Bowing walls
  • Leaning chimney
  • Sticking doors and windows
  • Sagging crawl space
  • Uneven floors

If you see signs of foundation problems, get it looked at by a professional. Foundation repair South Carolina Tar Heel Foundation Solutions has the experience and experts to help you with your foundation repair needs in South Carolina and North Carolina.

Best Foundation Solutions

Depending on what we find out what is causing your foundation problems, we also will offer you the best
Foundation Repair South Carolinasolution for your foundation repair needs. Tar Heel Foundation Solutions also uses several different methods for foundation repair in South Carolina. Our helical underpinning can be done in any weather and uses small equipment so there is little disturbance to the surrounding area. Helical tiebacks are designed to straighten and strengthen basement and retaining walls. Steel push piers are also designed to drive deep into the soil to support the interior and exterior of the structure. We use the best products available made by Earth Contact Products (ECP), the leading name in foundation repair products in the industry.

Contact Us

Tar Heel Foundation Solutions has a team of certified field installers, structural and geotechnical engineers also with project managers to provide you with the best solutions. Contact us for all of your foundation repair needs in South Carolina. You will hear back from us within 24 hours.

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